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All KAY/O lineups for Valorants Icebox

KAY/O, the new Valorant robotic initiator agent, can make a match in Icebox easy to win with strong lineups.

The arrival of KAY/O has led to the invention of several new lineups for the agent. Good knowledge of the map would help in developing lineups and playing KAY/O to its full potential in Valorant. Many have found some insane lineups for Valorant’s Tundra-based map as well.

Icebox map callouts. (Screengrab via

Valorant's Icebox map has boxes and elevated grounds as a complex combat space. However, those spaces could easily be restrained with KAY/O’s abilities. The robotic initiator can suppress other agents’ abilities to make them rely on their gunplay.

Victory at Icebox would be tough without a perfect understanding of lineups, especially while playing with KAY/O. Hence, to play the robotic initiator in Icebox, the first step to win is to learn the agent lineups.

KAY/O lineups for Icebox’s A Site in Valorant

ZERO/point lineup

KAY/O's ZERO/point lineup for Icebox's A Site. (Screengrab from Eyedrin/YouTube) KAY/O's FRAG/ment lineup for Icebox's A Site. (Screengrab from u/MrRed69/Reddit)

Icebox’s A site would be easy to attack with ZERO/point lineups. The play has to stand on the boxes located beside the site’s right entrance, from the Attacker’s Side Spawn. After that, the bottom-centre HUD’s right corner line needs to be placed over the ‘warning’ poster. Then, while throwing the suppression blade, the player has to jump.

The blade will hit the A Nest and suppress all the enemies at the back of the site. This way, the team can easily make a heavy push into the site.

FRAG/ment lineup

KAY/O’s FRAG/ment ability is best for the post-plant scene, especially at A site of Valorant’s Icebox map. If the spike is planted in form of the A Nest, the player can combat it with an insane lineup.

To do this, one has to place the top of the "left-click mouse" HUD on the leftmost grey grid at A Screen. After the grenade is thrown, it will drop exactly on the spike, causing damage to the enemy if they try to defuse.

KAY/O lineups for Icebox B Site in Valorant

ZERO/point lineup

KAY/O's ZERO/point lineup for Icebox's B Site. (Screengrab from Eyedrin/YouTube) KAY/O's FRAG/ment lineup for Icebox's B Site. (Screengrab from u/LoomaTAB/Reddit)

If the player wants to surpass the enemies at B Site without being detected, this is the right lineup to execute. The player has to come to the corner of B Cubby and put the crosshair up on the upper-left corner of the grid where the green box’s edge and orange bar intersects.

When the suppression blade is thrown, it reaches the B Site and suppresses all the enemies in that radius.

FRAG/ment lineup

For the post-plant FRAG/ment lineup at Icebox’s B Site, one needs to stand at the corner of B Back and set the crosshair up on the left side of the star.

This lineup is best used when the spike is planted at the B site’s default plant location. As soon as the nade drops there, it will resist the enemies from defusing the spike.

KAY/O’s ZERO/point lineups for Icebox’s Mid in Valorant

ZERO/point attacking lineup

KAY/O's ZERO/point lineup for Icebox's Mid Boiler and B Kitchen. (Screengrab from Eyedrin/YouTube) KAY/O's ZERO/point lineup for Icebox's Mid Blue. (Screengrab from Eyedrin/YouTube)

It’s easy to suppress the enemies at Mid Boiler and B Kitchen at once. While attacking from the Mid, the player can throw the blade at the corner of the B Tube and B Kitchen’s meet point.

This is a simple lineup that can be used when taking a peek while rushing through the Icebox’s Mid.

ZERO/point defending lineup

To execute a defending ZERO/point lineup for Mid, the player has to reach the corner of the box in B Orange. They need to aim up and set the X ability HUD’s edge in between the orange and grey box.

This will allow the blade to drop at Mid Blue and resist the opposing team to make a heavy push through Mid.

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