Created by Justin Roiland, High on Life is a quirky action-adventure shooter game. Given that its creator has had a major role to play in the popular Rick and Morty series, the game's humor was expected to be fairly whacky, at the very least.
Since its recent release, the community has fallen in love with the title. In essence, High on Life is a single-player title, so having features like cross-platform doesn't make any sense at all. The feature is generally found and is useful in titles that have a multiplayer element involved. Since the title is devoid of a multiplayer aspect altogether, cross-platform doesn't exist in High on Life.
Will cross-platform ever come to High on Life?
Given that High on Life is a single-player game, it's highly unlikely that cross-platform will ever make it to the game. Unless and until there's an addition of a multiplayer mode to the title, a cross-platform feature is an unnecessary addition to the title.
Interestingly, High on Life does have cross-progression available as it's on the Xbox Game Pass. However this cross-progression system is limited to PC, Xbox Series X/S, and Xbox One only. Players can transfer their save files across these and continue to play the game on a different platform from wherever they left off on the previous platform.
With a fairly simple premise, High on Life sees aliens invading Earth and planning to use human beings for their own benefit. A human bounty hunter is tasked with traveling across the galaxy and eliminating the alien commanders of this invading race. The game is filled with quirky-looking aliens and funny weapons. Like Skippy, the talking gun in Cyberpunk 2077, the weapons in Squanch Games' latest title can talk and even have faces.
Furthermore, players can watch a total of four full-length feature films within the game itself. The four movies are as follows:
- Tammy and the T-Rex
- Vampire Hookers
- Blood Harvest
- Demon Wind
Each of these movies can be watched in the game's movie theatre itself. Interestingly enough, players can unlock these movies by progressing through the storyline in High on Life. Furthermore, there are a few animated shorts that players can collect throughout the game as well. These shorts can also be viewed in a theatre later on in the game.
In general, High on Life is one of the quirkiest titles to have been released in some time, and given the content that it brings to the table, there's no surprise as to why the game has received very positive reviews.
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