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How to get 1.75 million gold for free in Clash Royale

Clash Royale is giving players a chance to win 1.75 million gold for free through the Chess Clash event, which is now live. To secure the prize, you have to play mini-chess games. Previously, the event went live before the scheduled release. By the time the developer took down the link, many had participated and won their rewards.

The Chess Clash event is a part of the Clash x collaboration. It will be live from September 14, 2023, to September 28, 2023. Complete the chess-based objectives on the website to earn amazing prizes. This article will guide you on your path to riches.

Guide to get 1.75 million gold for free in Clash Royale

The Clash Chess event is all about getting a checkmate in just two moves. There will be three different levels. You will get 250k gold for free in Clash Royale for completing the first challenge, 500k gold for the second, and 1 million gold for the third.

Here is a step-by-step guide to help you get 1.75 million gold for free in Clash Royale:

  • Step 1: Launch the game and go to the globe-like icon (on the upper right beside the Friends icon).
  • Step 2: Go to the News Royale section.
  • Step 3: Click on the headline “Solve Chess Puzzles for Free Gold,” and you will be directed to a website.
  • Step 4: Solve the chess puzzles on this page to claim your rewards.
Success message (Image via Supercell)

It is worth noting that every time you win gold for free in Clash Royale, the page will show a “You Did It!” pop-up. Tap on the blue button below to claim the reward. Every time you tap on this button, the game will automatically reload.

You will then see a pop-up on the launch screen asking if you want to claim the reward now or later. Tap on Claim to accept the prize instantly, or opt for Cancel if you want to save it for later. Once you claim the reward, another success message, stating that the voucher has been redeemed, will pop up.

Repeat the process three times to collect all 1.75 million gold for free in Clash Royale. It is worth mentioning that you can only earn these rewards once per account. However, if you own multiple accounts, you can repeat the process for each of them separately.

Clash Royale is a popular online multiplayer card game released on March 2, 2016. It features characters from Clash of Clans, another Supercell title, and involves buying and upgrading cards to create decks to defeat your opponents.

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