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Is Anne Hathaway worried that her biscuit-flash will cost her the Oscar?

Hilariously, my mother was very upset about Anne Hathaway’s beav shot last week. My mom is a big Hathaway fan – I think a lot of “moms” are, right? Moms think Annie is classy, ladylike, princess-y. They think she’s a good role model for young women. But role models aren’t supposed to flash the beav. My mother asked, “Was it on purpose? Did she want people to see? Why wasn’t she wearing her drawers? What did it look like?” Seriously, she asked all of those questions. I think a lot of asked those questions. But has the “Annie flashed the beav for her Oscar campaign” narrative been established? Or do we still want to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that she didn’t flash it on purpose? I don’t know. But “sources” claim that Anne is really worried that her beav is going to cost her an Oscar!!

Anne Hathaway, 30, is known as classy, elegant actress, so everyone was shocked when she decided to go commando and embarrassingly exposed her bare crotch at the NYC premiere of Les Misérables on Dec. 1o. A source close to the situation tells that Anne is afraid that this momentary mishap may have a lasting impact.

“She’s been fighting all of her life to be seen as a ‘serious’ actress, and this could make older stars see her as just another Hollywood ‘pop tart’, like Lindsay Lohan.”

Not only is Anne fearful of losing her reputation as a serious actress, she’s also worried that the malfunction will swipe her chances for an Oscar.

According to the source, “Anne is really hoping for an Oscar for Les Misérables, and she’s worried that this misstep will hurt her credibility as an actress.”

The source points out one reason Anne is so distraught over her commando catastrophe is because she is afraid it has cast a shadow over a project that is very special to her.

“The nudity doesn’t bother her — she’s been naked on camera before — but this musical has meant so much to her and her family [her mother acted in it]. She would hate for such a misstep to derail her in the eyes of Academy voters.”

The source adds, “In all, it would be a shame if this is true, because she’s brilliant in the role.”

[From Hollywood Life]

Whether or not it was a stunt, I do think Anne’s poor beav probably did hurt her. I think a lot of Academy voters think like my mom – Anne is classy and ladylike, and “she should know better.” Plus, I think Anne handled it the wrong way, sort of. I think more people would have liked to see her laugh it off, you know? It’s JUST a beav. It’s not like she got all coked up and punched someone. It’s not like a DUI. It’s not like she screamed at some extra. She just went commando under an ugly gown. No biggie.

Here are some photos of Anne arriving at the Chateau Marmont yesterday. Considering the way she’s dressed, I’m assuming she was there to do press for Les Miserables (as opposed to going to the Marmont to act like a crackie). Note the way Anne exists the car. No beav shots!! Well done.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.
