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What is Minnesota Timberwolves superstar Anthony Edwards' vertical?

Young NBA superstar, Anthony Edwards of the Minnesota Timberwolves can surely leap higher than many in the Association, making him a special talent. While he has a stocky built, fit to play professional football, it does not stop the 6-foot-4 player from soaring in the air for highlight-reel moments.

Edwards boasts of a reported 41-inch vertical, well above the league average of 28 inches. This, coupled with a spectacular bounce and long wingspan (6’10”) has seen him fashion out some jaw-dropping slams.

One of these was in 2021 while playing for the Toronto Raptors, where he soared over Japanese player Yuta Watanabe from the side and threw down a massive hammer.

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Check out the play below:

Edwards’ leaping ability has made him a fan favorite wherever he plays. The 23-year-old Atlanta native was selected first overall in the 2020 rookie draft by the Timberwolves after spending one year in college at the University of Georgia.

In three years with Minnesota, he has had averages of 21.8 points, 5.1 rebounds 3.7 assists and 1.4 steals. He was an NBA All-Star last season, after posting career-high averages of 24.6 points, 5.8 rebounds, 4.4 assists and 1.6 steals.

Edwards is currently in Manila, Philippines, as part of Team USA seeing action in the 2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup. They swept their group phase assignments, going 3-0, and are now waiting the start of the second round of the tournament.

“I'm chasing my boy M.J." - Anthony Edwards expresses desire to become greatest shooting guard ever

Just like his idol Michael Jordan, the Minnesota Timberwolves guard wants to push himself and be the best player he can potentially be.

He shared this in an interview with Star Tribune’s Chris Hine earlier this year, where he said he is following in the footsteps of ‘His Airness’ and is hoping to become one of the best shooting guards, if not the best, in league history.

‘Ant-Man’ said:

"I'm chasing my boy M.J., for sure. It'll be hard, but I'm chasing him. I know what I need to work on. I know what I need to get better at, and I just want to be in the best shape. My season was OK. It could've been a lot better."

Watch highlights of Edwards’ young career below:

23 year old Edwards has set his NBA career to a solid start after being selected first overall by the Timberwolves in the 2020 rookie draft. He was part of the All-Rookie First Team in 2021 after posting impressive numbers of 19.3 points, 4.7 rebounds, 2.9 assists and 1.1 steals in 72 games.

'Ant-Man' continued his ascent in the succeeding years, being named to his first NBA All-Star Game last season, where he finished with 12 points, four rebounds and an assist.

In the offseason, he was selected to be part of Team USA and is currently playing in the 2023 FIBA Basketball World Cup along with fellow rising NBA superstars Brandon Ingram, Tyrese Halliburton, Paolo Banchero, Jalen Brunson, Jared Jackson Jr. and Austin Reaves.

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